Daraz 11.11- Are you getting real discounts?

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Daraz is running 11.11 sale. It has claimed that products will be discounted up to 80% during the sale. Many products are marked to be discounted at heavy percentage. There is no doubt that customers can get real discounts in some products from the official stores. Are all the products marked discounted really discounted?

We searched some products and saw the reviews. We concluded that most of the products are not actually discounted. They’re just scamming people. The marked price is increased and is balanced to actual market price after heavy discount percentage. Check the following image for example.

Product was available at 2300 before and is marked for 11.11 sale

Many tech enthusiasts are complaining for this scam and are notifying people to be aware of the scams. Check out the posts posted by Sushant Maharjan and Sabir Shrestha at Ask Buddie, Nepal largest tech group.

Sushant Maharjan informing about the scam in 11.11 sale.
Sabir Shrestha informing about the scam in 11.11 sale.

You can clearly understand that many scams are running inside 11.11 sale. We suggest you to be aware of them and be safe from scammers.

Please, cross check the price in other offline and online stores before ordering it from Daraz.

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